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ZOOOP! més ràpid que un tesla? (Read 4532 times)
Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
gènere: male
ZOOOP! més ràpid que un tesla?
30.06.2010 a les 11:34:43
Un amic fracés m'ha passat la següent nota...

This last sunday, the 20th june, I had a exceptionnal and incredible experience...
I have tested an electric car that is much powerful than a Tesla, a Porsche or a Ferrari..
I not really drive it because it was too powerfull, but I was passenger.
The Pilot was Julien Beltoise, the son of Jean-Pierre Beltoise, a very famous french pilot.

he drove the Zooop, the car of Coqueline Courrèges in the circuit of Haute-Saintonge

At one moment, the organisation make a race between a Tesla and the Zooop.
It was a race 'départ arrêté'. So, the 2 cars were stopped and then go theat the maximum..
The winner was the zooop .

I have made a small video when I was inside, and look the video at 0:59 the video. The car accelerate from 40km/h to 110km/h and it was so powerfull that I was nearly sick/ill.. Shocked))

Technicals specifications :
Electric motor : 150 kW (200 ch)
Max speed 180 km/h
battery lithium-polymère (70 A/h, 370V, 100 kg)
range 450 km.
3 seats weight : 690 kg !

És un vehicle d'estetica desconcertant, però pel que sembla la plataforma base funciona de meravella.... si amb70 Ah a 370v, que  són 25,9 kwh, pot fer més de 400 km amb aquesta potència de motor, nomé spuc fer que treurem el barret.....
tornar a dalt


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