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Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h (Read 13825 times)
Roger Layola
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Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
30.11.2008 a les 12:54:08
La "elèctric vehicle company" ens ha sorprès amb la creació d'una nova i completa gama de vehicles elèctrics de dues rodes, amb potències que ronden des dels 8kwh nominals (115km/h, i 0 a 80 km/h en 5.5 segons, 8000 $) als 21 kwh nominals (200km/h i 0 a 80 km/h en 4 segons! 11500 $).
Les prestacions del model bàsic de 8kwh superen tan en velocitat punta acceleració i autonomia a la vectrix, i a un preu més barat!! Són el nou Rolls Royce de les motos elèctriques. La mala notícia es que de moment no es comercialitzaran a Europa...

Us adjunto un esquema de prestacions dels 6 models, i els seus respectius preus! Aquests si que son uns "vectrix killers"

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Roger Layola
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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21
Reply #1 - 30.11.2008 a les 13:02:48
Aquesta és la carta que han enviat als clients interessats a comprar la moto:

EVC has spent thousands of man hours over the past three years focused on developing what we believe is the standard for performance electric motorcycles. EVC is proud to announce the launch of our first product model, the “Volta” series which is scheduled to begin production shortly. The Volta series offers three model lines and six product models to choose from, The Metro, The RoadKing and the X21.

EVC’s product development and strategy has been designed to enable us to offer a product to you the consumer that will fit your budget as well as provide the ideal vehicle for your daily driving and commuting requirements. Our models offer the performance, top speed and range necessary to allow you to comfortably ride with confidence in any driving environment.

As a result of your past inquiry regarding our products, we are accepting reservations for our initial production run first from those product inquiries we have received to date. Our initial production run will be 250 units and will be a limited edition/signature production run. Each bike will carry a limited edition badge that will identify it as one of the original product group. This limited edition run will be announced to the general public only after those of you who have submitted product inquiries to us in the past are allowed to have the first opportunity to reserve your place in line.

At EVC we are committed to creating the best products and services for our customers. We appreciate the interest you have shown in our product development efforts and wish to extend to you the first opportunity to become part of a unique group of consumers that we believe will be the first wave of a new era in economical and environmentally responsible personal transportation.

In order to take advantage of this Limited Edition, we are offering customers the ability to place an initial and fully refundable deposit of $500.00 U.S. Dollars towards ownership of our ‘signature edition’ EVC Motorcycles. Simply visit our updated website, Volta | Step Thru Electric Motorcycles , and click the model you are interested and follow the link to place your reservation
To encourage you to take advantage of this special offer we are including the following:

· First opportunity to own an initial ‘limited” signature edition product
· Should you wish to cancel your order at any time prior to delivery your $500.00 is fully refundable, with no penalties attached.
· 30 days prior to the delivery of your EVC Motorcycle, you will be asked via e-mail to confirm your vehicle selection.

At that time you will be able to finalize you selection or change models if you so choose. You will also be asked to select the color as well as look through any optional upgrades you wish to also take advantage of. We will be sending you under separate e-mail a list of all color options available (over 90 colors) as well as options to include upgrade brakes, rims and other features.

Due to the high number of inquires we have had for our motorcycles; we hope you will reserve your place in line as soon as possible, when the last bike is reserved the limited edition series will not be offer again.
Please visit our website and begin to experience the EVC difference. You will now have the chance to see why we will be second to none in the field of high performance electric motorcycles. With our web site you will have the chance to see all of our upcoming product models, along with full product specifications. Of course, we will be adding more accessories options, and including the latest happenings at EVC through our web site. So, stay tuned; there will be some really exciting moments yet to come, and EVC will be bringing them to you!
Please visit our web site so you can see for yourself why EVC is destine be the leader in the 2 wheel world of 100% Electrical Motorcycles.
Now is the time to Join the Electric Revolution

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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #2 - 22.12.2008 a les 12:32:13
Llevo tiempo siguiendo los pasos de esta empresa y siempre estan diciendo lo que van a sacar y cuantos vatios y cuantas prestaciones y despues dicen que ahora no van a sacar tal sino algo mucho mas potente y tal y cual, y la verdad es que no han sacado nada al mercado y nadie tiene una moto suya! Al menos vectrix es algo que existe y es palpable y por cierto con dos años de experiencia.
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #3 - 22.12.2008 a les 18:53:57
Hola Rag, cierto que no ha sacado nada en el mercado.. pero tiempo al tiempo, la gestación de la vectrix tardó diez años, del 1996 al 2006... Cuando la EVC se enfrenta ahora al mundo real,  reducira las prestaciones y precios de las motos, però al menos ambicionan a crear unos vehiculos muy interesantes....

Para que te hagas a la idea, te paso un par de imagenes de la primera vectrix que saliò en exposición...
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Roger Layola
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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #4 - 22.12.2008 a les 18:55:23
Jeje... Horrible, verdad? afortunadamente tomaron nota de los comentarios de la gente y encargaron el diseño a Italia!
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Roger Layola
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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #5 - 22.12.2008 a les 19:50:12
I una foto del primer primer prototip de vectrix.... poc  prometedor, oi?
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
gènere: male
Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #6 - 22.12.2008 a les 19:59:10
He "caçat" una parell de fotos de quan la vectrix encara no tenia els últims plàstics de la carcassa... la estructura, al meu entendre, ja és la definitiva. Qué dur és el procés de disseny de un vehicle des de 0!
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
gènere: male
Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #7 - 22.12.2008 a les 20:05:05
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Re: Novetat: scooter EVC x21 200km/h
Reply #8 - 23.12.2008 a les 12:45:35
Si la verdad es que es fea, y ahora es preciosa. Pero si no me equivoco, la vectrix la diseño RoBrady ( alomejor mejor me equivoco y solo diseño el prototipo Vectrix Superbike).
Pero sea quien sea es preciosa, tiene un porte elegante , Fuerte y Tecnologico. Me encanta.

Por cierto EVC a lo mejor esta todavia como cuando la foto de la primera vectrix, es decir igual le faltan 10 años a que sea realidad? Para entonces la Vectrix tendra una autonomia de 500km a 200km/H y aparcara sola.

Bon Nadal, Felices Fiestas y merry Christmas para todos!
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