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Actualitat: Ev1 venut per 465.000 dolars (Read 6605 times)
Roger Layola
moderador global


Posts: 2144
gènere: male
Actualitat: Ev1 venut per 465.000 dolars
10.10.2008 a les 13:07:53
Sembla que una persona que va amagar el EV-1, per salvaguardar-lo de ser destruït per GM, ha decidit vendre-se'l. Amb un preu mínim de 75.000 dolars, al final la subhasta ha escalat fins els 465.000...  Tenint en compte que no n'és el legal propietari, un negoci rodó! Un preu absolutament just per la joia automotiva més avançada del s.XX. Bones noticies, doncs difícilment GM tindrà accés a aquesta joia amb un propietari tan "acaudalat"

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Aquí la noticia:

Not quite sure what to make of this, but it appears that someone in Victoria, British Columbia has just sold a 1998 EV1 for $465,000 (about $431,835 U.S.). We got a tip from Patrick J. who said that he spotted the ad but was unable to get a hold of the seller before his or her contact information was taken off the ad. Currently the listing claims the vehicle is "SOLD" and the price is the aforementioned $465K. That's quite a jump from the minimum asking price of $75,000, and maybe prompted the transfer, even though the seller wrote: "Don't really want to sell it but I am taking offers." The seller added that the car's been in storage for four years and that "GM still wants the car so I'm looking for car collectors only, depending on the offer."

In any case, if anyone in Oak Bay happens to see an EV1 cruising the streets, think about stopping the driver and asking what they paid for the car. We're all ears.

Price      $465000        
Description      75000 is a minimum offer please. GM EV 1 excellent shape. 142,500 km's. Grandfather prepaid in 1995. Have not taken out of garage in four years. GM still want's the car so I'm looking for car collectors only, depending on the offer. Don't really want to sell it but I am taking offers. And SERIOUS offers only . I'm not letting just anyone come and see her. Please no more email's to take picture's or to "see it in real life" ! thx  
Oak Bay
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
gènere: male
Re: Actualitat: Ev1 venut per 465.000 dolars
Reply #1 - 10.10.2008 a les 13:08:18
I les fotografies!
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Deal with reality or reality will deal with you.
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
gènere: male
Re: Actualitat: Ev1 venut per 465.000 dolars
Reply #2 - 10.10.2008 a les 13:08:41
i la recàrrega...
tornar a dalt


Deal with reality or reality will deal with you.
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