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històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial (Read 16865 times)

històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
04.09.2008 a les 12:40:25
L'Aleix m'ha passat el link sobre una moto elèctrica desenvolupada a bèlgica durant la segona guerra mundial,  gestada  en un temps de sever racionament de combustible. Es verifica a través de la història que només en èpoques d'escassetat de combustible fòssil es justifica la creació de vehicles elèctrics... Tan bon punt es van aixecar les restriccions, la marca ràpidament va adoptar un motor de 125cc....

I perquè just ara hi ha un allau de creacions elèctriques a tot el món, després de décades de innactivitat? La història, valgui la redundància, es repeteix... Això vol dir que... que ara hi haurà escassetat?


Socovel produced an electric scooter in Belgium beginning in 1941. The following information and image come from a collector card of unknown origin.

Electric vehicles took on a special importance in Occupied Europe during World War II because gasoline was strictly rationed. In Belgium, under German occupation since the spring of 1940, the Limelette brothers decided to get around gas rationing by building an electric motorcycle in the Socovel factory. The first prototype ran in January 1941. The example shown is one of 15 machines build later that year, during the model's first production run.

Three six-volt batteries carried in the roomy central trunk gave the Socovel a range of around 30 miles at a speed of 15 to 20 mph. Though it was costly, the Socovel was as successful as any machine could be in those difficult times, and around 400 were built. But their limited performance worked against them when gas was once again available after the Liberation, after which Socovel altered their production scheme to handle 123cc Villiers two-stroke engines for their first postwar motorcycles.

Engine: ACEC electric motor powered by three 6V 45AH batteries
Power Rating: 1 hp
Transmission: chain
Suspension: (front) girder forks; (rear) rigid
Brakes: drums
Wheels: 2.25x18 in wire
Weight: 165 lb
Maximum Speed: 15 to 20 mph
Recharging time: 10 hours

The Germans wanted Socovels to use as ferrying vehicles on their airfields, but Socovel's reluctance to supply the army of occupation was so strong that the order was never fulfilled.

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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #1 - 04.09.2008 a les 12:41:36
Una unitat del 1942, un xic més elaborada...
tornar a dalt

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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #2 - 13.02.2009 a les 21:36:16

My dad has a socovel like the second picture. He is searching for the weels. Can you tel us from who the picture is and if we can meet to measure the weels and the chainwheel. We are from Genk Belgium.


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Roger Layola
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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #3 - 16.02.2009 a les 10:49:11
Hello wim.
Nice to see you want to recover this ancient beauty! Has your dad the electric model?

The picture was taken from a meeting in france:

Try to ask in this webpage....
tornar a dalt

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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #4 - 18.02.2009 a les 20:35:12
thank you verry mutch, He has the electric model, i will ask on the website. thanks, this is the begin of a new recover ancient beauty...
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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #5 - 11.03.2009 a les 19:35:26
wim wrote on 18.02.2009 a les 20:35:12:
thank you verry mutch, He has the electric model, i will ask on the website. thanks, this is the begin of a new recover ancient beauty...

On 11 march 2009, we have still not found a thing. is there anyone who can help us?
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Roger Layola
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Posts: 2144
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Re: històric: Socovel 2a guerra mundial
Reply #6 - 17.03.2009 a les 02:27:20
Dear wim.

We haven't found anybody with knowledge about socovel motorbike. In my opinion, it is going to be very difficult to find a pair of socovel wheels.
I suggest you consider adapting  small wheels from a monkey bike or similar  motorbikes. Monkey bikes are quite popular and it should not be difficult to find a pair of suitable wheels

Best regards,
tornar a dalt


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