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Històric: 1952 Nissan Tama electric car (Read 5825 times)

Històric: 1952 Nissan Tama electric car
29.07.2008 a les 10:53:58
Desprès de la 2a guerra mundial, al Japó el petroli era escàs però la electricitat era abundant. Durant aquest període el govern japonès va promoure la construcció de vehicles elèctrics, entre ells, el TAMA, de la marca Prince 8ara integrada dins de NISSAN. En tests de prestacions fets pel "Commerce & Industry Ministry", van millorar les especificacions del catàleg, resultant amb una autonomia de 96.3 km i una velocitat màxima de 35.2 km/h. Poden semblar unes prestacions ridícules, però en temps de postguerra i escassetat, eren acceptables....

The Prince Motor Company was in existence from 1952 until 1966 when it was merged with the Nissan Motor Company. In 1952 the Tachikawa Aircraft Company started production of the Tama Electric car. In 1955 Tachikawa changed it's name to the Prince Motor Company, in honor of the Emperor of Japan Crown Prince
Hirohita, and from then on the cars were sold as Princes.
At the same time Prince stopped building electric cars and started building petrol powered cars. In the mid-60's the Japanese Government suggested a number of mergers of Japanese companies to create larger companies that would be better equiped to handle any hostile takeover attempts by foreign companies. Nissan and Prince took the government's advice, and in 1966 they merged. (At the same time Toyota merged with Hino and Daihatsu.) Most of the Prince models were kept in production, but from 1967 on they were sold as Nissans or Datsuns. The Prince division still operates independently inside Nissan and is responsible for the Skyline range, including the awesome GT-R.
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Re: Tama electric car
Reply #1 - 29.07.2008 a les 10:55:15
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Re: Tama electric car
Reply #2 - 29.07.2008 a les 10:55:51
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