títol: Nissan leaf cotxe del any 2011 a Europa
escrit per Roger Layola a 01.12.2010 a les 10:14:47
Doncs si. Sorpresa!
Per primera vegada un cotxe elèctric ha guanyat a aquest prestigiós guardó!
Finalment ha succeït i el Nissan Leaf s'ha convertit en el primer cotxe elèctric a guanyar el prestigiós guardó de cotxe de l'any 2011 a Europa, un guardó lliurat per les més prestigioses revistes del sector en el continent com Autocar o Autopista i que suposa tot un impuls publicitari no solament per al model de Nissan sinó per a tota la indústria dels vehicles elèctrics en general.
Pel que fa a les puntuacions el Leaf s'ha dut 257 punts, només 9 per sobre del segon classificat i gran favorit en totes les enquestes prèvies, l'Alfa Giulietta i 13 per sobre del nou Opel Meriva
Els periodistes ibèrics, fent gala de la seva intel·ligència, dels 150 punts que podien otorgar, només 2 han anat per al vehicle elèctric. Explicació dels periodistes ibèrics:
cita:Manuel Domenech: " Although it is very interesting technology due to its electric motor, currently it is not a car affordable for a normal user, neither for price nor autonomy of use. Its time will arrive in a few years, but not now." Manuel Domenech: "although it is very interesting technology due to its electric motor, currently it is not a car affordable for a normal user, Neither for price normes autonomy of faci servir. Its time will Arrive in a few years, but not now."
Pedro Figueruelo: "This car is too expensive and with a limited autonomy; it isn´t for the general public. The electric cars still have a long journey to do to be a real alternative." Pedro Figueruelo: "This car is too expensive and with a limited autonomy; it isn't for the general public. The electric cars still have a long journey to do de ser a real alternative."
Alberto Mallo: " I have not enough information on their medium/long term reliability and utilization to make a final assessment. High price and limited range are big disadvantages, but I acclaim Nissan for this true technical challenge. I have been positively surprised for his performance and driveability; no engine noise also is comfortable." Alberto Mallo: "I have not enough information on their medium / long term reliability and utilization to make a final assessment. High price and limited range are big disadvantage, but I Acclaim Nissan for this true technical challenge. I have been Positively surprise for his performance and driveability, no engine noise also is comfortable. "
Juan Carlos Payo: " It is always welcome a new electrical technology although it begins conditioned by an almost nonexistent charging network; at least in our country. It does not seem logical the trade policy subject to state aid. We only know an approximate price. We are sure in the next future an electric model will win this award, but the technology must evolve very quickly and ensure autonomy and performance. A car that aims to achieve a market share of between 5 and 10 percent within 10 years is still not a real alternative to purchase." Joan Carles Payo: "It is always welcome a new electrical technology although it begins conditioned by an almost nonexistent charging network; at least in our country. It does not Seem logical the trade policy subject to state aid. We only know an Approximate price. we are sure in the next future an electric model will win this award, but the technology must EVOLVE very quickly and ENSUR autonomy and performance. A car that aims to Achievable a market share of between 5 and 10 percent within 10 years is still not a real alternative to purchase. "
Sergio Piccione: " it is to me impossible to vote this model. It is the result of an interesting technical effort, comfortable and fun to drive. But my experience of use is inferior to 50 kilometers and I have not been able to verify the difficulties of the recharging process. It is, in addition, a car whose purchase cannot be recommended to any private user, of any European country, due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure for recharge the batteries." Sergio Piccione: "it is to me impossible to vote this model. It is the result of an interesting technical effort, comfortable and fun to drive. But my experience of use is inferior to 50 kilometers and I have not been able to verify the Difficulties of the recharging process. It is, in addition, a càrrec whose purchase cannot be recommended to any private user, of any European country, due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure for Recharge the BATTERIES. "
María Ángeles Pujol: "Maybe someday an electric car will be elected Car of the Year. But for the time being its difficult to sell in the European market and it has too many difficulties to overcome. The Leaf is an unaffordable model, that only few people can afford it." María Ángeles Pujol: "Maybe Someday an electric car will be Elected Car of the Year. But for the time being its difficult to Consell in the European market and it has too many Difficulties to overcome. The Leaf is an unaffordable model, that only few people can Affordable it. " |
Comentari del Santiago Meier:
cita:Tots coincideixen en l'autonomia i en el preu, com a raons de pes per no votar-lo. Però estem parlant del cotxe o del context socioeconòmic? Quina mosca els ha picat? (...) El que s'ha de valorar en el "concurs" és la qualitat, el disseny, l'enginyeria, les prestacions, la EFICIÈNCIA del cotxe, no les dificultats que pugui tenir la gent en CANVIAR D'HÀBITS. Lamentable. El meu vot per als periodistes espanyols, un rotund zero, així de clar. |