Jocs de mostres / Sample sets

Playable online from this site

Per a ús fora de línia / for use offline:
Hauptwerk (HW1-import)

Creative_Commons_Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs_3.0_Unported_license +
Sample Sets by Pere Casulleras,
In collaboration:
Museu de la Música de Barcelona
Tecnologies ESMUC
(splitted c/c#)
Esquerra / Left  

Bordó 4’ (always on)
Dotzena2 2/3'
Quinzena 1'
Dissetena 1 3/5'
Vintidosena 0.5'
Trentaquatrena (real: Vintisisena/vintidosena - 0.5 2/3' / 0.5')
Xivarri (noise)
<img src="/meteo/estacio.jpg?t=739104"><META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="300">Dreta / Right

Bordó 4' (always on)
Dotzena tapada (real: quinta 3')
Dotzena 2 2/3'
Quinzena (real: octava 2')
Dissetena 1 3/5'
Quinzena segona 1'  
Vintidosena (real: dinovena 0.5 2/3')
Xivarri (noise)
Tutti (replaces all stops with the real sampled tutti L+R)

The present sample set was recorded in Barcelona on the original instrument at the Museu de la Música de Barcelona - https://www.museumusica.bcn.es/
Thanks to:
Dr. Jaume Ayats (Museum), Dr. Josep Borràs (Esmuc) and Dr. Enric Guaus (Sonology dep.) for the support and permission to make the necessary sample recordings.
Oriol Rossinyol and Manel Barcons for his help on the whole recording process.
Col·lecció del Museu de la Música de Barcelona - fitxa Orgue de Processó

Pere Alberch Vila, Tiento (Libro de Cifra Nueva, Luys Venegas de Henestrosa, 1557)

Goigs de Nostra Dona, Joan Brudieu

There are three downloads provided: one with the original tuning (a=440) and temperament (MeanTone 2/7 comma), another converted to equal tempered at a=440 so you can via software apply other tunings and temperaments, and one with MeanTone 2/7 comma temperament at a=415 (presumably the original tuning from the organ, althought actually at a=440 Hz).

El pots tocar directament des d'aquesta pàgina 🔗.
Pot tardar uns segons en funcionar a l'inici.
Si tens un teclat midi i instal·les aquesta extensió al navegador Chrome podràs fer-lo servir sense haver de descarregar res.
You can play it directly from this page 🔗.
It may take a few seconds to work at startup.
If you have a MIDI keyboard and install this extension on the Chrome browser, you'll be able to use it without having to download anything.

The instrument is extremely loud! Sound pressure at 1 meter distance is 96.5 dB. At the player place it reaches 110 dB.