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Franja de gaza:Forçats a construir vehicle elèctri (Read 3635 times)

Franja de gaza:Forçats a construir vehicle elèctri
24.05.2008 a les 03:05:32
Recentment ha transcendit la següent notícia:

La gent de la franja de Gaza pateix una escassetat extraordinària de combustible, la gent ha de consumir gas  i oli de cuinar per continuar movent els vehicles.
En aquest clima d'escassetat, dues persones han ajuntat 32 bateries i han construït un vehicle elèctric capaç de viatjar 200km en una sola recàrrega...
Ens trobarem nosaltres també en el futur amb un clima d'aquesta extrema escassetat?


GAZA - A Palestinian-designed electric car drew admiring stares on Tuesday from Gazans forced to use cooking oil to power their cars because of a fuel shortage.

"At first people laughed, saying it would not work, now people are begging us to convert their cars," said Fayez Amman.

Working with fellow electrical engineer Wasim al-Khuzundar, Amman hooked up an engine to 32 batteries.

Driving their small car through the streets of Gaza City, they said the vehicle could travel up to 200 km (120 miles) on a single charge.

Israel has reduced the amount of fuel it pumps into the Gaza Strip since Hamas Islamists seized control of the territory in June from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction.

Local fuel distributors have been on strike in protest at the Israeli cutbacks, forcing the closure of many petrol stations. Some motorists have turned to cooking gas and cooking oil to power their cars.

"The lack of fuel, the bad smell of cooking oil and the continued siege motivated us to enhance the work until we were successful and made the car operational," Annan said.

He put the cost of the project at $2,500 but said the price of converting a car to electric power would depend on its size.

(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi, Editing by Robert Woodward)

Per la fotografia es pot apreciar que és una transformació sobre un Peugeot 106
tornar a dalt

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